Analysing Mobility Hotspots with MovingPandas & CARTO

Mobility data is a cornerstone of geospatial analysis for many industries. Being able to gain insights from movement and behaviour data is key to decision-making - from adapting mobile data coverage to meet event-based demand to assessing the insurance risk profile of drivers living in different areas.
However, traditionally, mobility data has posed a challenge for geospatial analysts. Data is often fragmented and proprietary, and by its very nature, enormous - making it difficult to analyse with traditional GIS systems.

By adopting a cloud-native approach - with data hosted and processed in a cloud data warehouse - organisations are increasingly able to leverage mobility data to make more informed decisions at scale.

CARTO, one of the EMERALDS consortium partners, published a tutorial - developed as part of the project - on the trajectories: one particular element of mobility data. 

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Title and Authors of the CARTO tutorial