On November 6, 2023, we will be in Barcelona for the annual Smart City Expo. Before we explore at the expo itself, we visit Barcelona’s newest Superblock in the Eixample neighborhood.
Xavier Matilla, former Barcelona city architect and professor of urban development, will lead us around Superilla Eixample in the morning, where we will visit the 15-minute city’s newest developments. With the assumption of a new government, Matilla was fired, and so after the excursion we will discuss the question “How do you secure innovations in your organization? For this we invite several international stakeholders.
In the afternoon, together with the Impact Coalition Safety and Security, the police, the municipality of The Hague and the Ministry of Justice and Security, we will organize a session on the safe city. How is working on security in smart cities? What is the state of play in Italy, Nordic Safe Cities, Germany, Flanders and the Netherlands? And what concrete cases are there in the areas of crowd management, drone detection, public nuisance and street harassment?
10.00: Collect for the excursion
In Barcelona we are going to see that the future is near. We leave at 10:00 from Superilla Sant Antoni, where the 15-minute city is already a reality. https://maps.app.goo.gl/7mF2aYfq5gUp4PMW7
All essential functions are within a 15-minute walk. But how did this superblock come about and how can we learn from this for our Dutch cities and municipalities? We will walk from Sant Antoni Superblock (2018), through Eixample Superblock (2023) and then go to c Loreto where we will also visit La Model (former prison). https://maps.app.goo.gl/y2qa9iwcTvH4H6LJ9
10:15: Excursion in Eixample
Smart city utopian? In Barcelona, we are going to see that the future is close at hand. We leave towards the Superblock Superilla Eixample, where the 15-minute city is already a reality. All essential functions can be reached within a 15-minute walk. But how did this superblock come about and how can we learn from this for our Dutch cities and municipalities?
11:30: Lessons learned
What have we learned? And how do you ensure success even when political circumstances change. How do you prevent your project from remaining a pilot?
13.00: Lunch
14:00 – The safe smart city
How is working on security in smart cities? What is the state of play in Italy, Nordic Safe Cities, Germany, Flanders and the Netherlands? We’ll talk about that with experts from these countries during a mini-conference organized in cooperation with the Impact Coalition Safety & Security and other partners.
14.00: Welcome by Susanne Brok (NL police) and Mark Ruijsendaal (Impact coalition Safety and Security)
14.15: Pitch on street intimidation by Impact Coalition Safety and Security
14.22: Pitch on street intimidation in Italy
14.29: Pitch on online-driven public order disruption by Joeri Vig (Ministery of Justice and
14.36: Pitch on online-driven public order disruption by Sebastian Jørgensen (Nordic Safe
14.43: Pitch on drone detection in Amsterdam
14.50: Pitch on drone detection in port of Antwerpen by Luc de Vlieger (Senhive)
14.57: In-depth discussion on street intimidation, online-driven public order disruption, and
drone detection
In-depth sessions in which we will delve deeper into the topics of:
- Crowd
- and event management
- Nuisance/street harassment
- Online incited public disorder
- Drone detection
16.00: Ethics pitch by Ben Kokkeler (Avans University of Applied Science) and Stefan
Slembrouck (Bundesverband Smart City)
16.10: Pitch on crowd and event management by Jeroen Steenbakkers (Argaleo), Matthijs Flim (NL
police), EMERALDS
16.17: In-depth discussion on crowd and event management and ethics
17.05: Recap and presentation of the book of the Impact Coalition